Purpose and Commitment

The purpose of the school is not only to impart instruction, but also educate the whole child; to train the child; to train the child’s intellectual, moral, emotional, physical and aesthetic faculties. The preparation of young men & women to successfully face the highly competitive world largely depends upon the institution which trains them.

“Envisage empowering and enlightening young minds.”

Our commitment is to light the spark of knowledge, to help children visualize their goals, harness the power of thought to achieve success, the student has to develop into a useful member of the community with a healthy mind and body to successfully face the challenges in the present day world of high competition. The teacher’s role would be to integrate knowledge and life skills, to sharpen thought and perception and to develop character and personality. It is in this context that the institution, which is responsible for the student’s learning and training, plays a pivotal role.

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